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My name is Joseph Molina, and I am a first generation Computer Scientist at California State University, Monterey Bay through the CS-in-3 program. There is nothing more that I would love to accomplish,than to impact the very world we live in with the amazing super powers of programming. Specifically the  areas I wish to have a direct impact in is communcations, and in the world of sports. I am always willing to pick up a new technology and when I am not learning I enjoy going out for a run with friends.

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Becoming the first computer scientist in my family,carving a path for my siblings to follow along with creating a positive image for all Latinos and minorities to be proud of is what continues to fuel my mind with enthusiam and motivation to give my best effort every single day.



"It is up to you to make each day a good day"

This quote was spoken every single morning by my football coach and embodies the lifestyle and work ethic I have adapted to my everyday living. Every single day I attempt to become an improved version of myself through a relentless and passionate work ethic.



In the Junior year of college, I pursued a summer internship to gain vital knowledge of how a project is developed within the industry along with the research behind it. The internship I was accepted into was the ICERT REU. As part of a 10 student cohort, I was tasked with developing an android application that will alert the user of undesirable ingredients within food products.

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